Monday, August 1, 2011

Head, shoulders, knees & toes

So tonight Denny & I asked Oliver what his body parts were and he accurately identified the following body parts:

belly button
penis (yep, thats right)
fingers (he can't say this though)

Now onto numbers, colors, shapes and everything else in the world.  He's such a rockstar.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where did the last 17 months go?!

So I realize that I've been quite the slacker on blogging lately... but that's only because we are having too much fun!  Oliver's personality has popped the last few months.  He is silly as can be- always dancing & laughing.  He's an update on our little man's adventure through life.

Oliver is a pure water baby.  We probably spend 5 days a week in water of some sort.  From our pool, to the kiddie pool, sprinklers, the wading pools, and lately we've been enjoying the aquatic center.  He's fearless.  He jumps into the water, will go down the slide (with hands up & saying yay while going down), tries to swim by laying face down in the water, and just simply loves being in the water.  It's great because Denny & I have also loved water since we were little.

Oliver talks and talks.... I haven't written down all the words he can say (a lot of them he doesn't use regularly) but the ones that come to mind are: mom, dad, no, stop, go, outside, slide, oliber (just this weekend), up, off, light, bye, hi... he is always blabbering- and we're anxious to be able to understand all the things he is talking about!

Like I said earlier- he's silly.  He does head stands, loves going head first off the couch (this is an actual game to him) onto his "cars" couch, will dance and sing all day long, and is just plain funny.

He's becoming a mama's boy- starting to cry when I leave him at Kristine's, or gets teary eyed when I leave the room, and loves sleeping with his mama and dad (and we love him sleeping with us).

Besides reading books, dancing, playing with his trucks and cars, his alphabet train, and being in water or outside- he also loves brushing his teeth and taking a bath.  He'll go in the bathroom a few times a day and ask for his toothbrush.  Too cute- and I hope it continues.

In addition to being silly- he's fearless and definitely an adventurer.  He'll climb anything, including in & out of the bathtub.  He'll climb any ladder and has recently mastered climbing up some slides.  He'll stand on all the things he shouldn't and is learning how to break all the rules.

One of his favorite activities is painting.  He paints at his table 2-3 times a day on a weekend.  We decided to get him a magna doodle (Thanks for the suggestion Lucy) and no surprise, but he loves it.  He is fascinated by the fact you can "erase" what you drew.  I'm sure this will be a favorite for a long time.

I am beginning to understand what people mean by a picky eater.  Over the last month or two he went from loving all food to only eating snack type foods.  I am hopeful that my little food lover reappears soon!

It's been a busy summer.  We're keeping busy and enjoying the weather.

Here are a couple pictures that Lucy took of Oliver.  He was 16 months here- these pictures really do an amazing job of capturing his personality.  Our little boy is approaching 18 months!  I don't like that he's growing up so fast; yet, but we're truly enjoying the ride.

Friday, May 20, 2011

15 months & growing

Oliver had his 15 month check up with Dr Stoll and she said he is doing perfectly!  He is 31 inches long (50%) and weighs a little over 22 lbs (25%).  We also had a follow up with Dr Young at the ENT Clinic and he said his ears look great and he doesn't need to see us for 6 months...after 2 tubes surgery and numerous ear infections it was felt good to put that behind us. 

What is Oliver up to lately?
  • Gets up around 6:30a, naps from 12-2p, and then hits the hay around 8p
  • Loves eating food although is becoming more picky... he isn't in love with his vegetables like he used to be and the only meat he likes is chicken.  We're not too surprised considering mom & dad are uber picky as well. 
  • He is doing a great job of mastering his gross motor skills- he can jump, run, spin in circles until he falls down from being dizzy, climbs the stairs and is a pro at climbing up onto the couch.
  • Says several words but doesn't use them much...he still whines and points to things.  He runs to the kitchen and points to what food he wants or he goes to his crib when he is ready for bed.
  • Loves all things water- from swimming to baths to splashing in puddles.
  • Has started showing some separation anxiety- but not too much.  He knows the people he likes being around and isn't shy but yet is cautious of new people.
  • His favorite thing to do is dance- he is a dancing fool.  He loves music and the first thing he does in the morning is go to the radio, turn it on, and dances.  It is adorable!
  • He is absolutely a boy- I don't care what people say but there is a clear distinction between boys and girls.  he loves trucks, wheels, cars, and all things mechanical. 
We're having a blast- he is such a joy to be around.  His tantrums are even cute!  We spend as much time as we can outside running, playing, and climbing on the playground.  He loves going down the slides and then trying to climb back up them.  We love it when he holds us tight or the moments when he'll lay down and cuddle with us.

Oliver James- you make our life complete.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well, Denny & I have realized that we've been slacking on taking pictures lately.   Oliver is doing so many great things and we have yet to get them on camera.  It's all the little things that I hold close to my heart.

Every morning when we get dressed he says "socks" while trying, mulitple times, to put his socks on.... He can't actually do it but it's very cute to watch him try.

He also hangs out under our kitchen table and in the corner of the's his little fort area.  He just plays, laughs, and talks under the table... We will be making dinner and then we'll hear this giggle and can't help but chuckle to ourselves.  He is always laughing and giggling.

Oliver is really getting into things with wheels...he plays nonstop with his airplane, his trucks, and his tractor.  He loves spinning the wheels and pushing the toys along the floor.

I should also add that shortly after we weaned Oliver from the bottle and he weaned himself from nursing he started sleeping through the night... that is so bittersweet.  Yes, I love sleeping 6 hours straight but I also miss that time in middle of the night when we would cuddle.  Some nights I secretly wish he would wake up so I could bring him in bed with us and cuddle. 

Oliver is so busy exploring the world.  He loves going to the park and going down the slide.  He loves being outside and playing ball with Chloe.  I took him on a bike ride and I think he's really going to enjoy bike rides too.  He loves to eat all foods even artichokes (really surprised me).  He sits on the couch like a big boy and reads his books or tackles the cats.  He tries to be very independent- he wants to walk down steps on his own, or get up on the couch by himself, feed himself, etc.  I am not ready for him to grow up so soon!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Words & More

It has been a bit since I have posted any updates! We've been busy the last couple of months... Oliver is always on the go. He is such a fine little man- full of happiness, joy, curiosity, and excitement. He says (or has said) the following words:

• hi

• bye

• chloe

• mama

• dada

• meow

• kitty

• stop

• no

He does this super adorable thing where he pretty much is talking....seems like he is saying full sentences... I can't understand what he is saying but he clearly has lots to say!

He LOVES his books. He pulls his books off of his book shelf every day and sits there and reads... He points to the pictures and reads out loud (not that we can understand what he is saying but still adorable).

He also has done an amazing job of weaning himself from his pacifier. His binky stays in his crib now- when I pick him up from his crib in the mornings he drops his pacifier back in the crib, waves bye bye, and says “night night” to it. He doesn't even hesitate. I have also noticed that many nights he doesn't even use it to fall asleep...

He is officially weaned from nursing- it was easy and he did it all by himself. I was VERY worried about how it would work, and when should it take place but it came very naturally. Shortly after his first birthday he just started turning his head away when I tried to nurse... about a week later we also dropped the bottle too. Now he drinks his sippy cups of his coconut milk (no cows milk for this boy) and water!

He still eats like a champ too! He likes all food- his favorites are avocado, cereal bars (home made), peas, string cheese...well, actually it might be easier to say the things he doesn't like. Basically, he won't eat grilled cheese, pasta, and quesadillas. Other than that- he is a garbage disposal. He eats every hour or two and is learning to use his fork/spoon too!

We feel lucky & blessed to have such an amazing son.  His cuddles and kisses melt my heart.  He sits on my lap while we read books, tries to put on his socks, and doesn't care for the TV.  He loves dancing & listening to music every day and plays daddy's drums like a rock star.  He is perfect.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Some of Oliver's favorite things

Since this is technically Oliver's baby book I thought it would be good to include a few of his favorite things... or things that we think are special.  =)

 This is a cute little customized page with events that were going on the day Oliver was born... and includes current fashion, music, sports, famous people, etc.  Thought it would be great to look back on in 20 years.

Our awesome daycare lady made this for Oliver!
 He loves his sea horse... He got his ducky for his birthday and it's a favorite already!

 This is his house/fort- he plays in his "house" all the time... he keeps all his favorite toys in his house.
 He has a serious infatuation with his noise maker...
 His messy room with his tent!

His favorite books- Goodnight Moon & I Love You All the Time